Club 66 was first created to commemorate the year in which the original clubhouse opened—1966. The goal was to gather 66 generous members giving $66 a month to provide ongoing support for kids to attend the Club. And now, to celebrate the Club's 55 birthday and the success of Club 66, we are happy to announce that Club 66 has been expanded to include new giving levels and great perks for all of our friends who join. Click here to learn more and to join.
If you would like more information, please contact
Linda Sullenger at lsullenger@bgckc.org or 661-325-3730 ext. 240.
Lend Your Name recognizes the Club’s key supporters in a tangible way by allowing them to physically be a part of the clubhouses through room dedication and program endorsement opportunities. As community leaders, this is a great way to show your support for the Club and the community at large.
Sponsor one of our many special events throughout the year.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Ed Jacobs
at 661-325-3730. ext 242
for more information.
Regardless of your age or the size of your estate, there are many ways you can make planned gifts to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kern County that can benefit you, your family and the Club while fulfilling your philanthropic interests.
Click below for more information or contact
Ed Jacobs at 661-325-3730 ext 242.
Meanwhile, here is some pertinent information that you and your financial advisor will need to set up your planned gift.
Beneficiary Name: Boys & Girls Clubs of Kern County
Address: 801 Niles Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305
EIN: 95-2462246
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kern County receives grants from corporations and foundations which allow us to provide additional programming and services for the over 14,000 children who attend the 64 program locations in Kern County annually.
If you have a grant opportunity that you feel is a good match for our mission, please contact Maggie Cushine at
661-325-3730. ext 239.
These opportunities are open to individuals age 18 and up, who are committed to volunteering in the Clubs. Volunteer opportunities are also available to high school students who are looking to complete their community service hours for school.
You have the power to make a difference! We welcome the support of our community and caring people like you. Together, we can have a lasting impact on the lives of the children who need us most. There are more ways than one to make a difference.
You can also ask our Resource Development Department at 661-325-3730 about gift opportunities.
Please contact Ed Jacobs at 661-325-3730. ext 242 for more information.
When doing your online/local shopping through any of our added stores, portion of your purchase will then be donated to your local Boys & Girls Clubs.
If you would like more information, please contact Ed Jacobs at 661-325-3730. ext 242 for more information.
If you use publicly-traded stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to make your gift, you will receive an additional tax benefit: the IRS allows you to make your transfer to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kern County without recognizing capital gains on the appreciation. You can make a larger donation than you could make with cash and receive a larger tax deduction.
Contact your company’s human resources department to determine if your employer matches charitable donations to double your investment.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Ed Jacobs at 661-325-3730. ext 242
for more information.